Crying Is a Sign of Emotional Intelligence, Not Weakness, and It’s Necessary

Crying is as normal an event as breathing. But the forces that govern us have forever seen this course of action to be one of weakness. Men especially are always ridiculed when they cry. It really is seen as an emasculating thing to do.
Having said that, ladies are viewed as extremely spoilt if they cried, regardless of the reason why. To put it simply, one’s reasons for crying might be varied, but a single tear down the eye will be regarded as less humanly.
And this affects us adversely. We start thinking and believing that any form of emotion is just vulnerability. This contributes to us never speaking up about our problems because we believe it would be extremely hazardous to our public image whenever we ever opened as much as anyone.
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Is Crying Necessary?
The reality, on the other hand, is the fact that we have to cry once in a while. It will help us expel and vent our emotions in a really healthy way.
Many respected reports about this subject say that should you have the ability to cry at your plight in life, it indicates that one may face your personal emotions and actively deal with them. But this also ensures that you have higher emotional intelligence.
To a lot of people, it really is very difficult to express themselves. But they must know just how to. One could be as cold as ice, but they definitely need to vent out at one moment in time. And also this is a necessity; else you could contract several mental health issues.
There isn’t any harm in expressing that which you feel, but there is a lot of problems in hiding what you feel.
In the event that you keep bottling up everything you feel inside, there may come a time whenever you may need to simply carry it call at the open. And there are no two ways about this. Cry, vent out your feelings, and do not let anything keep you down. Crying will help you move on, generally, there is definitely that benefit to it.
Professor Roger Baker of Bournemouth University believes that crying is not the only real thing that helps us vent our emotions. In reality, it really is a number of processes that will allow us to really express what we feel.
After crying comes a period in which you should just talk about things and talk about them unless you are left with nothing but memories. And then comes processing grief through time. You give it time, and soon it really is simply a distant image in your thoughts, incapable of hurting you.
It really isn’t always time- sometimes you’ll want to take a number of steps to assist yourself cope with stress.
Dr. Judith Orloff also speaks about how crying may help someone feel a lot better despite problems coming up. It clears out your tear ducts, while also emptying your heart.
The present-day society needs to get rid of what they consider to be manly, and unmanly. There is nothing feminine or emasculating about crying. You cry because you are hurt, and folks regardless of their gender get hurt.
So go ahead, and pour your eyes and soul out.